Ways to Recover From Burnout

Thanks to the pioneering research of psychologist Christina Maslach and several collaborators, we know that burnout is a three-component syndrome that arises in response to chronic stress on life.

Let’s examine each symptom—exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy.

 Exhaustion: Exhaustion is the central symptom of burnout. It affects you, physically and cognitively and brings emotional fatigue with it. It undermines people’s ability to work effectively and feel positive in their everyday life. This can stem from a demanding lifestyle, which includes being always-on, 24/7 organisational culture or simply having too much on. In state of exhaustion, you find your unable to concentrate, even routine and previously enjoyed tasks seem tiring. It can be difficult to get out of bed and even lead to mild depression.


Cynicism: Also know as depersonalisation. This is linked manly to your job and work you do. Instead of feeling invested in your assignments, projects, colleagues, customers/clients but you feel detached or negative. It is a result of work overload but likely occurs in the presence of high conflict, unfairness and lack of participation. It can occur in home life with daily duties and responsibilities.


Inefficacy: Refers to the feeling of incompetence and lack of achievement and productivity. Linked to exhaustion, do you feel like you haven’t achieved anything in a while or want to put your make on the world but are worried you won’t succeed? This may be because you are mentally and physically burnt out. You may just be lacking a bit of support or just need to take a step back and work on yourself for a while.

How to Combat Burnout

Science says that exercise and spending time outside are the best ways to combat Burnout.

Stress is said to be reduced a massive amount when people come in contact with nature. There is research which shows hiking can be used as an additional therapy tool to help severe depression.

Forest Bathing: Shinri Yoku also know as forest bathing is a Japanese practice of relaxation. Its simply a method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees. Find a spot in a wood or park and simply observe nature around you whilst breathing deeply. For more information Visit https://www.forestryengland.uk/blog/forest-bathing

Wild Swimming: Wild swimming is another amazing way to combat burn out and feel accomplishment. If you’re starting with a wetsuit, going in a swimsuit or even just your skin there is a way for everyone to get involved with wild swimming. The benefits of cold-water immersion provides can sooth muscles aches, relieve depression and even boost your immune system. Like forest bathing, its also an amazing way to explore your beautiful surrounding.  If you are unsure of where to start visit https://www.wildswimming.co.uk/ for locations.


Doctors Appointment: Burnout can be related to your blood levels. Being low in B12 or iron can cause muscle weakness, depression or anxiety, fatigue or lack of energy and even loss of colour to complexion. These may be causing your feeling of burnout. Consult a doctor to see if these levels are low and then act by taking B12 or Iron.


Prioritize self-care: Take a walk, do some meditation, take up journaling. Simple activities like the ones listed can help boost your mental health massively. Take some time to think about yourself and what is going to make you feel happy.


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