Completely Naturally Organic  What grew from a grapefruit seed  

GSE Organic Supplements grew from a grapefruit seed and has been growing and respecting nature ever since. Michael Gracher had not planned to find the company. It happened by chance and as a favour: At that time, the former alternative practitioner and homeopath had agreed to import the sought-after grapefruit seed extract from the USA for his colleagues. Because before 1994 this was not available in Germany. He also believed that there was nothing on the market he would personally recommend to people which is kind to nature and our bodies.

This willingness to help has now grown into a company that produces and sells over 35 products with a team of 25 people In Germany. However, it was a long road to get there: At the beginning, Gracher worked as a naturopath and ran GSE on the side. He initially filled the bottles at home and labelled them there by hand. Showing a love for his work and a company he believed in.

Shortly before the 25th anniversary, Gracher initiated the generational change and handed over the management of the GSE company entirely into the hands of Anja Binger and André Schön. Previously, the three of them ran GSE, but now, after a quarter of a century of GSE, Gracher is allowing himself a little free time. The company can still count on his advice – for example when it comes to new product developments.

As our community has grown our vision also has! Being able to bring 100% Natural and Organic products to everyone is our number one priority. Now in 2024 GSE has extended its market even futher into the UK. We are so excited to offer more people these organic supplements. At this moment in the UK market, we offer 13 products and are backed by a small team. We believe that everyone should have the highest quality ingredients and supplements to take and feel better in themselves.