European soil is estimated to contain approximately 72% less vitamins and minerals than it did 60 years ago, while one third of the world’s soil is now classified as moderately to highly degraded. Even organically grown foods contain less goodness than they once did and its little wonder so many of us are nutrient-deficient.
The majority of supplements available today have a high dose of synthetic or harsh ingredients, in addition to preservatives, colourants, fillers and binding agents. But it doesn’t stop there they also contain animal deprived ingredients as an active ingredient or to create the capsule which hold all the synthetic ingredients inside.
What to look out for? The easiest thing to look out for is ingredients which end in ate, ide or start with dl. These are all form of synthetic ingredients which can be harmful to your body! But don’t worry GSE Organic has got you cover. We select the finest, natural, and organic ingredients to benefit both your body and our environment. Resulting in a nutrient-dense substance that the body recognises and happily absorbs as if they were a piece of fruit or vegetable (because it is!)